Online Safety Learning Resources
DfE have updated their guidance for parents and carers to keep children safe online. This guidance contains resources for parents and carers to help keep their children safe online. Click HERE to view the guidance.
It is fundamental that when your child is using the internet they stay safe. They should never give out any personal information such as their full name, address or phone number when they are online, no matter whom they think they are talking to.
It is important when using the internet, children remember to be SMART:
- Safe – be safe on the internet.
- Meeting – NEVER meet up!
- Accepting – don’t accept anything (it may be a virus).
- Reliable – check your source.
- Tell – Always tell someone when you don’t feel safe.
Throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, children are taught about online safety as part of the computing curriculum. Alongside this, online safety is embedded within all curricular subjects especially in English, PE and PHSE/RSE and through a variety of enrichment activities e.g. anti-bullying and safeguarding week (please click here to view school Online Safety Policy). The school also uses assemblies to raise pupils’ awareness of the dangers that can be encountered online and may also invite speakers to talk to pupils about this. In Year 5 and 6, children sign an acceptable use of computing document (click here to view) which is also send home for parents to discuss/reinforce at home with their child.
Please click HERE to view our school Online Safety Policy and click HERE to view our school Computing Policy.
Below are some useful websites to you can look at with your child at home to support to help them learn more about internet safety and test their knowledge on using the internet safely.
KS1 Online Safety Powerpoint
Online Safety Newsletters - Wake Up Wednesday!
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Persuasive Design Online
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Safe and Healthy Online Habits
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Age appropriate content
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Tiktok
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Social Media Mental Health
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Among Us
Please see HERE for the newsletter from National Online Safety - Whatsapp
BBC Own It

Questions, answers and tools to help your child make the most of their time online. They may even get to hear an important message from their favourite Youtuber!
Be Internet Awesome

Interland is an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. Play your way to being Internet Awesome.
Be Internet Legends

Play to become an Internet Legend
Interland is an adventure-packed online game that makes learning about internet safety interactive and fun – just like the internet itself. Here, children will help their fellow Internauts combat badly-behaved hackers, phishers and oversharers by practising the skills that they need to be confident online explorers.
Think you know

Children learn about online safety by reading information, playing games and watching videos.
Child Net International

The internet is a wonderful place to explore and discover new things, to connect and communicate with others and to be creative. Children to use this website to get help, get answers, get SMART and have fun!
Updated June 2024