RE Champions 2024/25
Another appointment of 12 children to inspire other children and adults to become closer to God.
We are thankful to have another group of children to help lead the children on their journey of faith. They have made a wonderful start in their role through sharing readings and prayers to all in our Masses.
Our RE Champions
Gabriella Orla Judith Sami Emily Nympha Sarah Aaliyah Elvis Della Devlin Sophie
Fr Anthony has been training our RE champions to carry out liturgical ministries. The children have been making prayer cards, leading worships and assisting in masses. They have been helping children to find the fun in religion, with fun fact Fridays!
RE Champions at Farnborough Abbey
On Tuesday 16th May, the RE Champions had the wonderful opportunity to go to Farnbourough Abbey to visit the English National Shrine to St. Joseph. The Abbot met with the children and invited them to pray at the shrine. The children felt incredibly lucky to be allowed beyound the ropes to offer a prayer right next to the shrine.

English National Shrine to St. Joseph
The story of St Joseph’s journey starts 151 years ago. In 1866 at Mill Hill near London, a young priest set up a Missionary Society under the patronage of St. Joseph. The priest was Herbert Vaughan, future Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. When the chapel for the training college of the new Society was being dedicated, and having received permission from Pope Pius IX, the then Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, Henry Manning, crowned the statue of St. Joseph.
Today, the Shrine to St. Joseph at Mill Hill is no more. In 2006 the lands and former college were sold to property developers. Farnborough Abbey was asked if it would receive the Shrine’s statue and altars. The abbot agreed to do so. And so, in 2008, the current National Shrine was erected at its present location.
Spring Term 2023
Our RE Champions continue on thier mission to 'Spread the Good News'. During the Spring Term they will work in small groups to lead class worships across the infant classes, starting with Early Years. They worked together to organise themselves into their leading roles and share the Gospel for the day and focus on it's key message going forth.
Well done to our RE Champions for leading Collective Worship for our younger children.
Autumn Term 2022
As the world reads the headline – less than half of the world’s population is Christian – St. Joseph’s RE champions opened ‘The Well’ so that children could go in and offer up a silent prayer and light a candle (electric of course!)
It was heartening to see that children had to queue to go in, as so many had decided to use their lunchtime in this way. Well done Re Champions for being so organised and inspiring!

A Year to Remember - Our First RE Champions
A first for our school is the appointment of 12 children to inspire other children and adults to become closer to God. Seen here with Father Anthony, our parish priest, Mrs Biggs, our RE co-ordinator and Mrs McLaren, our RE governor.