Tea-Time Club
Please make sure you book in your child in advance. You can do this by notifying the school office or by contacting Mrs. Cairns directly (07774545415).
Pick up from Tea Time will be via the front of St Mary’s building.
- As from the 1st September 2022, Tea Time Club fees will increase to £10.00 per child per session or £45 for the full week.
- This will be invoiced half termly and is payable by childcare vouchers or online payments.
- Tea Time Club finishes promptly at 5.45pm so if you are going to be late picking your child up, please inform us ASAP. Late pickups may incur an additional charge of £5 per child.
- If your child has been booked in to TTC but is unable to attend that day, perhaps due to illness, clubs, school trips etc, please inform the school office so they can inform us via the TTC diary or text the TTC phone on 07774 545415 or email teatimeclub@st-josephs.hants.sch.uk
Updated September 2024.