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Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to our website – We are a Catholic Primary School operating as a Voluntary Academy for children from 4-11 years of age in the Diocese of Portsmouth. We are part of the Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust. Our website is designed to help all members of the school community to keep up to date on school information. in February 2024 our school was judged to be outstanding in all areas by OFSTED and in May 2023 as oustanding by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.

Our school vision statement is at the heart of all that we do:

‘As a Catholic family we welcome all and value Christ in everyone, whilst seeking the highest possible achievements.’

With Christ,  St Joseph and St Teresa of Calcutta as their role models, we encourage our children to:

Welcome, Care and Work hard

Our vision is central to everything we do at St Joseph's. It inspires our curriculum, is the basis for all policies and underpins our ethos. 

In partnership with parents, our aim is that all children will achieve their very best in all that they do: academically, spiritually and socially.  We provide a high standard of education in all areas, giving the maximum opportunity for ALL to reach their potential. To this end, we have excellent resources both inside and out; including specialised DT, art, music and French rooms, a science lab, a dance studio and a 3G pitch.

"Pupils flourish in this exceptional school. They thrive in the 'St Joseph's family' because everyone takes care of one another." 

OFSTED report February 2024

If you are a prospective parent, please contact the school office to arrange a visit so that you can experience our caring, vibrant and happy school for yourself. We look forward to seeing you.

Mrs D McNeill


OFSTED Inspection Reports

Please read our latest Ofsted Inspection Report and letter from Mr Fridge (Chair of Governors) along with the Catholic School Inspectorate Report (May 2023).

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