The Academy Trust

Directors of The Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust
Mother Teresa Catholic Directors- click here.
The Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust is the company responsible for the running of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Aldershot and St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School in Basingstoke..
The trust will eventually be made up of a family of schools which includes seven primary schools and two secondary schools.
The Trust was formally known as The Catholic Academy Trust in Aldershot.
To view our latest Annual Report (Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust) please click on the documents below:
Each year we have to make a return to Companies House you can find out about us by going to the Companies House web site and searching for us using our company number 7728054.
To view our 2022 /23 FAIR PROCESSING NOTICE / Terms of reference - Scheme of Deligation please click on the documents below:
To view our scheme of Delegation please clikc on the link below:
Staff costs 2019/20 To 2023/24
The number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension costs) exceeded £100,000 was:
£100,001 – £110,000 2019/2020 1 2020/21 1 2021/22 0 2022/23 0 2023/24 0
£110,001 – £120,000 2019/2020 0 2020/21 0 2021/22 1 2022/23 0 2023/24 0
£121,001 – £130,000 2019/2020 0 2020/21 0 2021/22 0 2022/23 1 2023/24 1
Updated September 2023